On 5 March DPRK state media released a documentary film which compiled film footage of Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) inspecting Korean People’s Army [KPA] units, observing training exercises and visiting construction projects utilizing KPA personnel from his accession in January 2012 to live fire exercises in 2013. Loosely translated as Unleashing a New Heyday of the Formidable Forces of Mt. Paektu, the 80 minute film consists mainly of footage that has previously appeared in short documentaries about KJU’s activities. Aside from a few new, brief scenes of KJU talking with note taking senior officials, the films includes footage of the expanded meeting of the Korean Workers’ Party Central Military Commission [CMC] meeting held late in the afternoon on 3 February 2013. The meeting was a key event preceding the DPRK’s third nuclear test on 12 February 2013. The CMC meeting ended with Kim Jong Un, assisted by Chief of the KPA General Staff Hyon Yong Chol, giving meeting participants handguns in presentation boxes.
The film also included footage of another expanded meeting of the Party Central Military Commission, held between February and March 2012. This would have been a key event preceding the 13 April 2012 launch of the U’nha-3 rocket, which crashed shortly after it was launched. Unlike the February 2013 CMC meeting, KWP civilian officials are attired in KPA dress uniforms. Based on the protocol from the February ’13 meeting, it is likely then-Chief of the KPA General Staff, VMar Ri Yong Ho, participated in the handgun presentation ceremony at the meeting’s conclusion, however VMar Ri is not shown in this film.
Filed under: 12 February 2013 Nuclear Test, 2007-2010 kpa management, 2012 Day of the Sun, 2012 KPA promotions, 2013 Day of the Shining Star (KJI Birthday), 2013 KPA Promotions, 2nd Academy of Natural Science, Administration Department, armored division, Artillery Corps, Central Committee, Central Military Committee, Choe Ryong Hae, Civil Defense Department, Col. Gen. Choe Kyong Song, Col. Gen. Jon Chang Bok, Col. Gen. Son Chol Ju, colonel general, corps command, corps commanders, DPRK EW, DPRK IW, Film Bureau, Fourth Korean Workers' Party Conference, Fourth Party Conference, Gen. Choe Pu Il, Gen. Jang Jong Nam, Gen. Kang Phyo Yong (MPAF), Gen. Kim Kyok Sik, Gen. Kim Myo'ng-kuk, Gen. Kim Yong Chol, Gen. Pak Jae Gyong, Gen. Pak Kwang Bok, Gen. Ri Myong Su, Gen. Ri Pyong Chol, Gen. Yun Jong Rin, Gen. Yun Tong Hyon, gsd, gsob, Guard Command, Hwang Pyong So, Hyon Yong Chol, Jang Song-thaek, Jo Kyong Chol, Kim Chong-un inspections, Kim Family, Kim Jong Un Visits, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un, Kim Kyong Ok (OGD), Kim Sol Song (Kim Sul Song), KJI Personal Secretariat, Korea Committee for Space Technology, Korean People's Army (KPA), Korean People's Air Force, Korean People's Army Air Force, Korean People's Army Supreme Command, Korean People's Internal Security Forces, Korean Workers' Party (KWP), KPA construction battalions, KPA construction brigades, KPA East Command Zone, KPA External Relations, KPA General Political Bureau, KPA General Political Department, KPA General Staff, KPA General Staff Nuclear Chemical Bureau, KPA Large Combined Units, KPA Strategic Rocket Force Command, KPA supernumerary organizations, KPA Supreme Command, KPA West Sea Command, kpaf, kpif, Lt. Gen. Kim Rak Gyom (SRFC), Lt. Gen. Pak Jong Chon, Lt. Gen. Ryom Chol Song, Machine Building Industry Department, Mangyo'ngdae Revolutionary School Alumni, military security command [msc], ministry of people's security, Ministry of State Security, Ministry of the People's Armed Forces (MPAF), MPAF GPB, National Academy of Defense Sciences, National Defense Commission (NDC), Navy Command, NDC Administration Department, NDC Policy Department, North Korean press, nuclear weapons, Operations Bureau Department 10, Organization and Guidance Department, Pak To Chun, Party elders, Party History Institute, party life, Political Bureau, Propaganda and Agitation Department, Provincial Party Committees, Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site, Pyongyang Defense Command, Reconnaissance Bureau, reserve training units, Ri Yong Ho (GSD), Second Economic Committee, Second Economy Commission, Secretariat, Sohae Space Launching Station, State Security Department, Third Floor, Unha-3 Carrier Rocket, VMar Hyon Chol Hae, VMar Kim Jong Gak, VMar Kim Yong Chun, worker peasant red guard, Working Organizations, XI Army Corps (SOF), Young Red Guard Image may be NSFW.
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